
What is KC HELP?

KC HELP is Knights Community Hospital Equipment Lend Program

KC HELP provides standard hospital room equipment for people in need to use in their home, such as hospital type beds, over the bed tables, lift chairs, wheel chairs, bath and shower chairs and portable bathroom equipment, etc.


When you need it. Coming home from surgery? Suffering from an injury or illness that requires bed rest?


We recognize that with layoffs, decreasing or cumbersome employee and Medicare benefits, and rising medical costs are resulting in greater hardships that we can HELP lessen. We believe in being good citizens and helping our neighbors and those in need whenever we can.


We recently opened a KC HELP shop at St. Vincent de Paul in Bremerton to better accommodate our community.  Our volunteers are available on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays at 10:00 AM to either provide equipment or take in donated equipment. Keep in mind that our volunteers will be onsite as long as clients are present. Our locations on Bainbridge Island and in Poulsbo are available by appointment by calling 360-329-2461.

Our first preference is to arrange to meet with you at one of our storage locations. However, if you have no other options such as friends or family who can help you, KC HELP will likely be able to bring it to your home.


Nothing. Yes, that’s right. There is no cost to you for the use of this equipment. KC HELP is providing this equipment free of obligation.

Frequently Asked Questions:

How do I qualify?

We provide the equipment based on need. Especially to those with marginal or no insurance coverage. A doctor’s prescription is required only for electric wheel chairs or scooters indicating a need for mobility and capability to safely operate. You do not need to meet Medicare requirements.

What if I’m only insured for some items?

If your insurance can cover some of the needed items, go ahead and rent or buy them through your insurance and we will try to provide the other things you need.

Do I have to be member of the Knights of Columbus?

No. KC HELP was started by the Knights of Columbus but is a separate non-profit organization. It was set up to help anyone in the community having a medical need, especially if a hardship exists.

Do I have to give you any lead time?

Knowing in advance always helps us plan, but don’t hesitate to call anytime. Accidents aren’t planned, but when they happen, we will do our best to HELP!

Will I have to pick it up?

Yes, that’s our first preference. Like you, we’ve been affected by exorbitant fuel prices. However, if you have no other options such as friends or family who can help you, KC HELP volunteers will deliver it, set it up, and come pick it up after you are finished with it.

What if I need the equipment a long time?

We will work with you to keep the equipment in your home as long as you medically need it. We will try to HELP everyone we can.

Can I make a donation?

Financial and equipment donations are always appreciated. Manual wheelchairs are always especially needed. KC HELP is a non-profit charitable organization.

Donations may be sent to our mailing address or electronically on our Facebook page (search @kchelpwesternwa). Your generous monetary donations help us offset ongoing costs associated with storage, insurance, transportation, repair parts and batteries.

What if I accidentally break the equipment?

No problem. We will fix it or replace it as soon as we can. There is no obligation or contract. Just call us as soon as you discover something isn’t working right.

If I know someone in need, can I refer them to KC HELP?

Yes, please inform the person you are referring and we will follow up to see what they need.

Can KC HELP provide any nursing or home medical care?

No, unfortunately we are not licensed to provide medical care service. We can help you contact other agencies that do provide in home medical care service such as Visiting Angels.

Can KC HELP provide counseling?

No, we are not professional counselors and cannot offer that support. We will pray for you and we help you contact agencies, such as Catholic Charities, and others that can provide this need.

Can I donate hospital equipment to KC HELP?

You bet… All of our equipment came to us by generous members of our community. As such, we view our inventory as a community resource that we’ve been entrusted to care for and distribute to anyone who needs it. Your donations may be tax deductible.

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